Tech Magazine – CEO Edition
The key quality of Maree Moscati, CEO, Copytalk is the vision to lead Copytalk through an ever-changing tech evolution, remaining relevant to the needs and demands of regulated industries that they serve.
The key quality of Maree Moscati, CEO, Copytalk is the vision to lead Copytalk through an ever-changing tech evolution, remaining relevant to the needs and demands of regulated industries that they serve.
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How does a company win a financial services technology award four years in a row? Ask Copytalk CEO Maree Moscati. Copytalk recently had the honor
On August 21st, 2017, a group of our Copytalk, LLC scribes stood outside, looking up at the sky through specialty glasses. Our Athens office was privileged enough to experience 99 percent of the rare total solar eclipse sailing across the sky that day, and our office celebrated in style. There were glasses available for those who wanted to enjoy the show, as well as refreshments for all.
Copytalk is the only transcription service specially managed and engineered to meet the financial service industry’s uniquely rigorous standard of accuracy and privacy in the recording of dictated client-meeting notes and the preparation & delivery of transcriptions.
Market volatility, political unrest, tax reform: We’ve heard you wondering, “What does it all mean?”
er wnd hw we gt ur xscrs bk so fst?
Translation: Ever wonder how we get your transcripts back so fast?
So many times, we see the words privacy and security lumped together, especially when we talk about technology. It’s easy, then, to think of them as a single idea, when in fact, they’re two very distinct concepts. In 2018, both privacy and security mean a lot to you, our clients, and to your clients, whom we protect by extension.
Whenever someone asks what my job is, I used to tiptoe around the subject. I’m not ashamed of what I do. In fact, I’m the only one of my friends that doesn’t complain about going to work in the morning. I plan on coming in to work until they tell me I can’t anymore. The reason I used to tiptoe around the subject is that for the longest time I didn’t have a great answer to the question I always get: “Why don’t they just use a speech-to-text program?” And I’m sure our potential customers have thought that as well. “Why spend a little extra on having a human do this when I could pay once for a computer program?”
We’ve all been there before, the awkward training period when you start a new job. Maybe you had to wear a silly hat while you learned what was and wasn’t okay to put in the deep fryer. Maybe you had to learn how to use expensive, complicated equipment, inevitably using it incorrectly in front of your boss’s boss. Maybe you even, as once happened to me, had to wear a giant button that said, “ASK ME ANYTHING,” long before you were ready to be asked anything. It seems that no matter the job, the training period is tedious, long and just plain unenjoyable. It’s not easy on you, the trainer, your manager and certainly not your customers.
Reliable and quick documention isn’t some dusty chore that wealth managers treat as such, but a core part of the job and increasingly challenging as communication channels proliferate. A practitioner in the space explains what’s at stake.