Copytalk is a premier dictation service employed across industries for the same reason we’re trusted by so many leading financial institutions:
We’re proud of what we do and it shows.
In accurately documenting your client meetings, we equip you to pick up conversations where they left off; not roughly where they left off, but exactly where they left off. Because clients need to know that you’re paying close attention.
And in transcribing audio/visual recordings of conferences and other information-sharing events, we help you harvest the data and insights you’ll need to operate more effectively, be more efficient with your time, and grow your business.
In preserving your thoughts in real time, we prevent your ideas from vanishing into thin air.
Because we know that the security of your information is as important as the information itself, we’ve developed comprehensive protocols – rigorous technical and operational safeguards – based on established industry standards.
At the heart of our commitment to protect your security is this guarantee:
Your work will be done only by U.S. facility-based transcriptionists.
So engage with Copytalk confident in the fact that your data will be secure, your privacy protected, and you’ll be compliant with legal and regulatory requirements.

Copytalk Wins BISA’s 2019 Technology Innovation Award
Third Time’s the Charm.
Then again, so were the first and second times!
For the third consecutive year, the Bank Insurance & Securities Association (BISA) named Copytalk winner of its coveted Technology Innovation Award at a Florida ceremony in March, 2019. Copytalk won for launching Copytalker™, a patent-pending technology for financial enterprises that allows advisors to dictate client-meeting notes directly onto platforms, dashboards, and CRM.
Enabling one-touch dictation, audio-file submission, transcription, and transcript delivery, Copytalker™ is the functional equivalent of embedding a live transcriptionist fluent in financial terminology on every advisor’s screen.
“Winning this award is a remarkable achievement,” said Dan Overbey, Managing Director IFP Institutional Partners. “But taking it three years in a row is precedent-setting and a tribute to Copytalk.