FAQ | Copytalk


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What number do I call to dictate?

A. Our standard line is 941-894-0026. Customers who have paid for the toll free option can call 877-267-9825.

Q. Why does Copytalk charge for the toll free option?

A. We provide our service at the lowest possible cost by only charging you for the features you use. Most customers call us on cell phones with plans that include free long distance.

Q. Why can't I register an office number?

A. Copytalk uses your registered number to identify you when you call in. Office phone systems often dial out on several different numbers so the number you think you’re calling from may not actually be the one that gets reported to Copytalk.

Q. How can I manage my account?

A. Log on to www.mycopytalk.com with the information provided to you in your welcome email. MyCopytalk provides the ability to: update billing information, change your account settings, update who is sent your work or notifications, and review your work.

Q. How can I get my dictations?

A. You can have your transcribed dictations emailed to you or you can log in to www.mycopytalk.com and click on the “Account Activity” link. To log in to www.mycopytalk.com use the information provided to you in your registration email. From within the account activity page you can view, print, copy, or save a text copy of your transcribed dictation.

Q. How will I be billed?

A. Most Copytalk customers elect to be billed automatically by credit card once a month. Payment by check requires one of our 6-month or 12-month prepaid plans. If you’re interested in group accounts, please contact support or your account executive at 866-267-9825.

Q. Can my partner or assistant use the service?

A. Each person who dictates must have his or her own account. You can have several accounts with the transcriptions from those accounts being delivered to one person.

Q. How much time do I have to dictate?

A. Each topic can be four minutes long. We’ve found that this meets or exceeds most customers needs. We do provide extended dictation options as well as the option to transcribe recorded files; if you’re interested, please contact support or your account executive at 866-267-9825.

Q. How long does it take Copytalk to process my dictation?

A. Typically we process dictations within four to six working hours. If you would like to inquire about expedited service please contact support or your account executive at 866-267-9825.

Q Are there any times I can't dictate?

A. You can dictate any time, our service is available 24×7 year-round.

Q. How long does Copytalk hold my dictations?

A. Your dictations are available for 60 days and then deleted from Copytalk’s systems.

Q. I'm having problems logging into my account, what can I do?

A. Make sure you’re using the email address that the account is registered to and that you’re typing the password with matching capitalization. Copytalk provides both a PIN (for telephone security and identification) and a password (for the secure MyCopytalk website); make sure you’re using the password to log on to MyCopytalk. If you can’t remember your password you can go to www.mycopytalk.com and click on the link: “Click here and we’ll email them to you.” You can also contact support to get password assistance at 866-267-9825.

Q. Copytalk doesn't recognize me when I call in and I have to enter my phone number and PIN, what can I do?

A. If you want Copytalk to recognize you make sure you’re dialing from a number you’ve registered to Copytalk. Make sure you’re not calling from an office phone system. Office phone systems often dial out on more than one number and it may not be the number that people dial in to.

Q. I want to close my account, what do I need to do?

A. While we’d love to keep you as a customer, we also don’t want to burden people who aren’t finding value in our product. To close your account send an email to support@copytalk.com from your registered email address stating that you would like to close your account. Please also include the reason for your cancellation, as Copytalk is committed to providing the best possible service to our customers and your input is invaluable. Alternately, you can contact your account executive at 866-267-9825.

Q. Why can't everyone in our office use one account?

A. Copytalk provides unlimited usage per person for a flat-fee. We do that to encourage you to document thoroughly and consistently. The flat-fee is based on a single individual dictating.