Brian Johnson | Copytalk

Brian Johnson

Chief Technology Officer

Brian Johnson is responsible for technology design and implementation at Copytalk. When a transcription service sets the standard for recording dictations and delivering transcriptions, accurately and securely 24/7; for managing requests, tracking issues, and responding quickly; for workflows so efficient they save customers money; and for integrations that allow users to better document their CRM use; you know that potent technology sits behind it all.

It takes a large team and a lot of work to develop this kind of technology. And it takes an experienced technologist and strong manager to lead the effort. Brian Johnson, Copytalk’s CTO, is both.

Brian has spent 35 years in technology, most of it at Copytalk. He has lived his professional life in software development, starting with a job at United Technologies whose significance shaped the arc of his career. There, Brian helped develop Air Force radar and embedded software written to control military hardware – a job for which he was granted Secret Government Clearance.

From there it was on to a joint automotive project between Modicon, creator of the first programmable logic controller in the U.S., and a German producer of electrical equipment called AEG. Here, Brian led the design and development of embedded systems to power programmable logic and cell controllers for use in Daimler Benz factory automation.

Next came a stint at Infresco Corporation and its predecessor, Kindle, Inc., where Brian created leading edge user-interface and application-development tools; among them, the HP PersonalPage™ that helped drive Hewlett Packard’s Pavilion series to millions of dollars of sales in 1995.

His next job returned Brian to the automotive field, when he led a team that built software for the Microsoft AutoPC™ on behalf of a major U.S. auto manufacturer. The AutoPC™ is a Windows CE™-based device that spawned the creation of a speech-controlled, in-car computer with entertainment and Internet-access capabilities.

Then came a stint at an enterprise-network provider called Tidepoint, where Brian focused on the development of Web services including certificate, directory, and authentication services. From there he joined Copytalk in 2001.

Brian holds an MS in Computer Science Polytechnic Institute of New York University and BS from New York’s Iona College, also in Computer Science.