Copytalk's newest partner is

What does this mean for you?
Copytalk transcribes your media files and Syncwords can automatically create closed captions, subtitles, and translations for online delivery.

» Automatically turn any transcription project into closed captions, subtitles, or timed text transcript
» Get captions and subtitles in minutes after your transcription is complete
» Translate your transcription to 100+ languages for a global audience
» Ask us about our same day and next day turnaround options. Most reliable providers in the industry.

Ironclad Security
No other solution in the industry has the level of security that Copytalk and Syncwords offers for closed captioning and subtitling of media files.
High Quality Captions
Get production-ready captions. Precision timing. UX optimized captions. Comply with FCC guidelines.
Rapid Turnaround of Transcripts
Speed up your workflow. Captions ready in minutes. Efficient tools proven to streamline your workflow. Parallel process projects to expand your capacity.
Enterprise Access. Real-time collaboration. Distributed workforce. Scalable cloud-based infrastructure to meet demand.
Skip countless hours of manual effort and save money. No up-front commitments. Pay-as-you-go and volume discounts.
Instant Captioning
Speed up your workflow. Captions ready in minutes. Efficient tools proven to streamline your workflow. Parallel process projects to expand your capacity.
Get started today!
Tell us about your project needs.
» Upload media
» Upload a Copytalk transcript or let us create one for you
» Review & edit captions with our online tools
» Download captions in any format for internet and broadcast TV viewing